Instagram refresh
Like millions of others I love Instagram. I like how it causes us to think more about presentation and visual design in our sharing. While plenty post their photos with no real continuity or design thought others really carefully curate their posts and re careful to use it as a platform to present their brand with a clear design message. I have seen how some post multiple images that can be viewed alone but also make up a bigger picture when viewing their pages.

The rainbow of ribbons I use could be a really beautiful feed if I take the time to properly design it and plan it. I decided to start with the greens I sell, partly because I had some really lovely green images around me and partly because that's what I was wearing !!
So on the left is my old Instagram feed, kind of a mish mas of what ever I was doing or seeing:

And below is my new feed:
It's a shame in some ways not to be posting whatever I'm seeing- those amazing Japanese pattern fabrics in Shamshuipo for example- because it doesn't fit into the colours or theme that I'm posting on Instagram, but I think I can work around that- by posting those things on my blog instead prehaps. I'm terrible and finding the time to post on my blog so maybe this will actually be a good thing as I will be pushed to get blogging if I want to share those photos and projects!
What do you think? As a consumer do you like grams that are really edited and curated like this or more eclectic and random collections of images?