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Life with a newborn

Long time no see! I hoped I'd have some time during my maternity leave to write a few blog posts and do some work on my jewellery but so far its just not been happening! I haven't actually been that busy but I never seem to have the right sort of time available to do these things. I have a couple of hours in the morning when my boy is in play group or in the afternoon when he's napping but both these time slots seem to get filled with baby feeding, my own nap as the lack of sleep catches up with me, or we're out getting some exercise. 

So here we are 6 weeks into 10 weeks of maternity leave and we've done nothing! C'est la vie. 

What we have done is plenty of new born cuddles and walks out. Hanging out with my pre-schooler, doing some crafts with him, reading, eating together and just relaxing which has been wonderful. Time well spent! 

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