Crochet animals

A few years ago I came across some crochet patterns for animals from the book Ed's Menagerie, available here at TOFT. I bought a few postcards that had the pattern on one side and a photo of the animal on the other. On their website you can find the most amazing creations, animals, dolls and little monsters too! I just have the patterns for the elephant, rabbit and squirrel and I've made them all a fair few times, they make great gifts for a new baby. Just look at that lovely chewable trunk on the elephant! Maybe take care selecting a yarn that won't make fur balls!! These toys are really simple to make, the patterns are easy to follow and come together very quickly, a good project for a child who has a grasp of the basics of crochet.
It's also worth noting that TOFT have some free patterns available for simple hats and a basic jumper which is great if you have some spare yarn and want a basic style.