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When your craft project turns into a bit of a monster!

So baby sister is due in the summer. There were lots of creative things that I wanted to do and make for our first boy but just didn't seem to get around to it. I did manage to make him a mobile during the first few months and I have made a new and improved one for baby sister that I hope both children will enjoy (more on this soon).

What I really wanted to make was a quilt for him to lay on and play on but I just didn't get around to it. I love the idea of recording the child's growth by photographing them on it, I hope to do this 2nd time around, if I can get finished!

Having had the idea for a long while and found a beautiful inspiration for it I have ended up setting a massive task, how I will finish in the few weeks left I have no idea! Think I need to sew every hour of the night.

Patchwork project

Now I am wishing I had gone for stunning fabrics and a simple log cabin design I could have sewn by machine instead of a really complicated design, paper patterns and the old hand sewing method.

I do like creative challenges and have to always have something on the go, I feel a bit lost if there isn't a knitting project going or some such thing. Here's my Pinterest board of all the things that I might try one day, including some quilts.

So back to the project, it's a monster, I think there are about 220 pcs to stitch together and so far I have done about 6o. I'll keep you posted.

I hate those projects that you get started on and then realise they're monsters and finally they kind of get put aside for those smaller and more instantly gratifying projects only to be picked up with half the enthusiasm months later. I need to keep the motivation and momentum going!

How about you, any half finished projects under your bed? Or did you soldier on through an epic knit/sew/make and create something awesome? Let me know in the comments!

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