knitting for charity
I was browsing knitting patterns a few years ago over on the fabulous resource that is Ravelry and found this fantastic pattern for a thermal vest. Specifically designed for those knitting for charity it got me thinking about doing just that.
I remember as a child helping to knit squares that would go towards making blankets, for what cause I don't really remember but it stuck with me as a great way for people to get involved and contribute in a more personal way than sending money or buying goods to donate. Not everyone is able to contribute financially to the needs they see around them and being able to make something like a knitted hat is an important way of encouraging community involvement in an issue. Giving time is often as valuable as giving money and certainly the giver feels a deeper sense of connection to the issue-I certainly do.
So when I downloaded this free thermal vest pattern I had a look around at how I could get the finished items to the children who would need them. I found LILY - Love in the Language of Yarn, a Turkey based group helping mainly Syrian refugees in Turkey and have been sending small packages there ever since. (the link to their facebook page will give you all the info you need to get involved, they do a LOT more than collect hand knits, there is much to get involved with).
There was a lull in my activity when my church was collecting knitted hats and scarves to send to those still living in temporary shelters after the 2015 Nepal earthquake and I am currently working on my patchwork project so knitting needles are set aside, but they will be picked up again as soon as that's done!
I love that with knitting something like this I can jut pick it up and do 2 rows in a spare moment, or while sitting in front of the TV, there's no big kit to get out and set up, I can just start and stop whenever.
TOFT also have some lovely free patterns for hats and other basics also these little teddies. Seems frivolous to make teddies for refugees who need more urgently to keep warm, but I hope these chaps found themselves a good home with a little one who needs a woolly hug.
In the last few years I've found myself enjoying hand knit more and more and have become a bit addicted to it, I'm having to be really disciplined to soldier on with my cumbersome patchwork project when what I really want to be doing is knitting that thermal vest in the beautiful merino wool I have stashed in the cupboard in mossy green stripes.
If you have any tips for charity knitting or great causes you'd like to promote then do let me know through the contact page, I'm happy to post your links here for others to find.
Happy knitting!