Embellished Sweatshirt
I spent a lot of time looking at that embellished sweatshirt on the J. Crew website before I finally realised I could just make my own unique, one of a kind.
A bit of research ensued. I find a project always goes much better if there has been a little time spent planning it first. I also love those chunky acrylic stone necklaces that J. Crew do. So I spent some time on their website and some more time on the Anthropologie website and had a good idea of the colours of beads I would want.
A trip to the Shamshuipo district in Hong Kong ensued, this is where you can find a lot of amazing fabrics, beads, ribbons and trims alongside DIY workshops for leather, candles and jewellery. It's a pretty cool place these days...a subject for another Blog post I think!
My favourite bead shop Tin Fu had everything I needed. It's good to go with a list otherwise it's a bit overwhelming and I end up buying more than I need or missing something important that I forgot about in the excitement of all the glittery things. I visual list in the form of print outs of your inspiration can be a really good way of keeping focused on what you really want.
I am quite competent at hand sewing so I laid my stones out on the actual sweatshirt and took photos of my different layouts. When I had one I liked, I printed the photo and actually just marked the centre front of my garment and followed the photo for the layout. You could draw it out onto tissue paper first, pin that to your garment and sew through it, pulling it away afterwards.
If you have a go at this fun DIY let me know here or on my facebook page, I'd love to see whats you've been up to.
(P.S. I don't actually own anything from J. Crew, pretty amazing considering how much time I've spent looking at their website.)
